Membership and Club Dues Explained

Club dues are paid annually for the period of February 1st of the current year to January 31st of the following year.  Your membership is valid through January 31 of the following year (unless you are joining as a Trial Member, in which case your membership is valid for up to 30 days).

JUST TO BE CLEAR... your membership expires on January 31st of the following year.  This means if you join in December, your membership is only good until the end of the following month!!!

If you are joining in order to participate in the annual Frostbite Series (which takes place in December), you must pay dues for the current year.  Your membership will then expire at the end of January, and you will have to pay dues for that year as well.

Want to try riding with the club before becoming a paid member?  That's what our Trial Membership is all about!

Important information regarding Trial Memberships

  • When switching from a Trial Membership to a Paid Membership (Individual or Family), the membership period will be based on the start date of your Trial Membership.  If you join as a Trial Member any time up to December 31 and then convert to a Paid Membership on or after January 1, the membership will be valid through January 31 of the current year.  For example, if you join as a Trial Member on December 15th, then you convert to a Paid Membership on January 10, the membership will be valid through January 31 of the current year (i.e., 21 days).

Important information regarding Family Memberships

  • Family Memberships are available to families consisting of (i) one adult over 18 with one or more child under age 18 (“Junior Member”) living in the same household, or (ii) two adults over 18 and one or more Junior Member living in the same household, or (iii) two adults over 18 living in the same household. Junior Members must be accompanied by a member-parent or member-guardian on all Club rides.
  • When signing up with a "Family Membership", the primary member (sometimes referred to as the "bundle administrator") will first be guided through the registration and payment process.  Upon receiving confirmation that payment has been successfully processed, you will be returned to a profile page showing your membership details.  Scroll down to the "Bundle Summary" section, and click "Add member" to add the the second member to your "Family Membership".  After adding each additional member, click on "Return to bundle list and your own profile", and scroll down to the "Bundle Summary" section again and click "Add member" to add additional members to your "Family Membership".
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Jersey Shore Touring Society is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 8581, Red Bank, NJ 07701

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software